Cloud computing: everything the cloud has brought us
The concept of the cloud emerged in the late 1990s , but we cannot speak of consolidated business use until the early years of the 21st century. The cloud computing (cloud computing) is to have services, software and data hosted on the Internet instead of a physical location. According to a homework by the National Institute of Statistics, in mid-2015 15.4% of companies in Spain had some type of cloud service. We differentiate three types of cloud computing:
1. The
Software as a Service or SAAS is the software application hosting or cloud.
2. The
Platform as a package or PAAS consists of the operating systems or services
that are hosted in the cloud.
3. The
infrastructure as a service or HAI is to use the cloud space for storage or
Advantages of using the cloud
• Unique
maintenance that is not multiplied by the various equipment.
• Not many
software licenses are required.
• Physical
computers require little more than the browser.
• Automatic
• Faster
work by being web-based.
• Real-time
• Almost
unlimited storage.
• All
company resources in the cloud are accessible from almost any location.
Disadvantages of using the cloud:
• System
slowdown with many users connected if bandwidth is very limited.
• Low
security? It is uneasy to imagine data located on computers very far apart. It
is more of a subjective fear than anything else.
• Dependence
on the internet connection and the bandwidth in use. Some say that depending on
the internet for everything is still a risk, although today the possibility of
the internet failing globally is practically non-existent.
Therefore, apart from apocalyptic visions without much
foundation, more and more companies are putting their resources in the cloud
and its use is highly recommended.
The cloud computing has important uses, such as housing
service tools (CRM), online commerce, accounting or cloud - based analytical
In case you want to host your resources, databases or
servers in the cloud with our services for online backup and hosting online, be
sure to get in touch with us .