Lately the use of strong passwords on the internet has come to the fore again, in part due to the many leaks that have come to light in recent months. Surely on many occasions you have been told about the importance of having a secure and different password for each of the web services in which you have an account, so we will give you some tips so that this is not a real headache.
What is a strong password?
Before we start talking about how to remember or store our
passwords, it is important to remember how to make our password as secure as
possible. The basic tips that we are always reminded of are to use long
passwords, combining numbers, symbols and letters, preferably upper and lower
case. It is also important that you do not use personal data, a password with
your name and your date of birth can be long and contain letters, numbers and
symbols, but this only makes it difficult to decipher by a computer based on
trial error, a person who knows you could guess it.
How do I create my strong password?
Following the advice from before it seems that to create a
secure password we just have to type nonsense on the keyboard until something
like this appears 00% & ”· & SDFAcachk-r.
The most important thing about passwords, however, is that
we are able to remember them, it is useless to have an indecipherable password
if later we will not be able to use it when we need it. So that this does not
happen to us, we have two options, the first of which would be near use a
password manager, such as the ones we are going to see later. The second
option, which is the one I use, is to create the passwords following a pattern.
For example, by following these steps:
1. We think
of a phrase that is easy to remember, the chorus of a song, a quote from a
book, etc ... for example: It is important that we always use strong passwords
2. We keep
the initials of each word: Eiqsucs
3. We add a
number to add complexity: Eiqsucs25 This is a good starting point.
4. So that
the passwords of each service are always different, we can put the name of the
service or some distinctive element. We will add a symbol between the base we
have and the latter. For example, we would use
1. Eiqsucs25_Apple
or Eiqsucs25 @ Apple Bite for Apple account
2. Eiqsucs25
& Twitter or Eiqsucs25 $ PajaroAzul for twitter
5. If we want
to give our password even more complexity, we can, for example, count the
number of characters it has up to this point and add it to the end.
1. Eiqsucs25_Apple15
2. Eiqsucs25
@ AppleBite24
3. Eiqsucs25
& Twitter17
4. Eiqsucs25
$ Bluebird20
Following these steps we have ended up with passwords that
are long and complex enough that neither people nor computers are able to
decipher them. The only problem is that we risk someone finding out our pattern
and being able to decipher it, for these cases it is best to complicate the
pattern as much as possible to make it difficult for anyone who wants to try
it. For example we could write the name of the service backwards or using the
letter next to it on the keyboard so that TWITTER to RETTIWT to TRYYOET
Password managers
As we mentioned before, there is another possibility that is
to use some programs called password managers that are basically lists where l
are stored. the accounts and passwords we have for the different services. Most
of them also allow the option of generating random passwords without us having
to worry about anything. The only thing we will have to do is remember the
master password that gives us access to the program.
Currently there are a variety of password managers depending
on our needs, there are those that store passwords in the cloud, others are
applications for mobile devices or for computers. Some even integrate with the
applications and are capable of filling in the access forms automatically. Of
all the alternatives
, the most common are: LastPass, KeePassfree and with an
application for Windows devices (although there are third-party cross-platform
developments) and 1Password , paid, initially designed for Apple devices but
currently has an application for Android and a beta for Windows.