Technological solutions for teleworking
Without a doubt, teleworking is the current topic par excellence. And it is that, as a consequence of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, it seems that this type of work has come to stay. Today we are talking about a technological solution for it: WebRTC technology. bacobolts
Governments and companies around the world have an
obligation to protect workers, and it seems that the best, if not the only, way
to do this is by going to work at home.
In addition, psychologists have shown the benefits that this
type of work brings to employees: flexibility makes family conciliation
possible, increasing the well-being of workers and causing them an increase in
productivity .
On the other hand, teleworking represents cost savings for
the company . The rental or purchase of offices, apparatus, electricity, water
costs…. Consequently, the company will be able to invest all its resources in
innovation and technology.
Thanks to technological advances, the truth is that work can
be done easily from home. It is enough to acquire the right technology and
It seems that this crisis has served so that many companies
lose their fear of teleworking and decide to adopt this modality as not
something brief. For this, of course, it is essential to use advanced
technology, which adapts and allows the normal development of the activity: the
WebRTC TECHNOLOGY, developed by Google.
How to start teleworking in a company?
As we have previously announced, WebRTC technology has the
solution to all your doubts. WebRTC is an open source software, developed by
Google, which is responsible for transmitting information through the Internet,
be it voice, video, text ...
Constant communication with your social group, customer
service, online meetings with customers, suppliers or with your equals ... All
this and much more is possible from home thanks to WebRTC skill.
WebRTC ( Web Real-Time Message) Technology is the progress
of VoIP telephony and can be used from anywhere on the earth and on any device,
with the only requirement of having an Internet connection. It is not necessary
any type of app installation , software, wiring, or specific physical
equipment. In addition, with it, the sound problems and communication delays so
frequent in softphones ended.
WebRTC technology allows, therefore, the total ubiquity of
employees to work, being able to perform the same tasks that they would do if
they were in the office.
But, what tools does WebRTC offer you to telecommute?
Typically, this type of technology provides changed
solutions, depending on the manufacturer.
For example, today we will focus on Fonvirtual , which
offers the Virtual Switchboard, the Call Center Software and the
Videoconference service, all of them with WebRTC technology. Once any of the
above solutions has been contracted , the integration of the company's
communication will take place.
This basically means that the company's agents will be able
to both receive and make calls from their own home as if they were in the
office: same quality and same interface. They will only need to have a headset
and a microphone and an Internet connection, and who does not have an Internet
construction at home today?
To this, there are a myriad of tools that this technology
makes possible, and that will help any company to implement telework
effectively, such as:
• Schedule
control . Through an administrator panel, you can control the activations and
deactivations of the agents, that is, the time they have been working. It is
also possible to obtain statistics, song control intelligences or access their
• Internal
communication . Whether through voice, chat or video conferencing, workers will
be continuously connected with their colleagues.
• Integration
with CRM . Manage all the evidence and customer data from the same platform and
from your own home? Yes, it is probable thanks to the integration with your
company's CRM software.
• Telephone
payments by card. During the course of a call, the customer can be transferred
to a payment gateway via telephone. By providing your data you can make the
payment remotely and safely.
• Control .
For seniors, there is a supervisor profile that allows the company to be
completely controlled even from a distance. The manager will be able to
supervise all aspects of the call center in real time and interact with agents
from anywhere and with any device.
Ultimately, WebRTC technology is one more step over VoIP,
and the solutions offered are also many more. In these times, it is quite
likely that many companies will have to opt for teleworking again (if not that
they are still teleworking), and solutions like this favor that their service
remains professional.