Use technology to save on your electricity consumption

 Do you know which are the devices that consume the most in your house? Knowing the energy consumption of your devices is essential to be able to implement saving habits. In this article we will talk about energy efficiency and how the latest technology can help us with it.  techqueer

The ideal electrical power

The energy expenditure of our appliances and the consumption we make of them affects our electricity bill. But there are also other factors to take into account that raise the final amount of the bill, such as electrical power. Many times, when contracting the electricity, we do not stop to think about what power our supply really needs for the electrical appliances to work without “jumping the leads”, that is, without activating the ICP (Power Control Switch). Power), and at the same time, without hiring more than we need, since the more kW installed, the more is paid in the fixed term of the invoice. The process itself is very simple, since we can contract the electricity online or with a simple call, but we must first think about what is best for us.this page , which we invite you to read.

To find out what power to hire, we can calculate the energy consumption of our appliances, use an energy consumption calculator or call a technician, although the truth is that most homes have contracted electrical powers between 4.6 and 6.9 kW. Companies such as Iberdrola or Endesa have customer service services from where you can request advice in this regard, for example, to register in Zaragoza, or any other location. In addition, you can also contract a rate or carry out procedures from the commercial offices of HolaLuz, Podo or Endesa in Zaragoza, to continue with the same example.

Technology for efficiency

Saving energy is very similar to saving money, and in fact it is related. In the same way that we evaluate what our income and expenses are to check if we have a “deficit” in our domestic economy, we can also evaluate the energy consumption of our devices. Normally all appliances or electrical appliances have a label with the maximum consumption they carry out in a given time. New appliances must include an energy efficiency label that indicates their consumption for a year, with a note that measures their efficiency. In this way we can select the electrical appliances according to their energy consumption and prioritize those that consume less.

A great way to save is to bloc an interesting rate, such as the hourly discrimination rate, with which we pay less for electricity if we concentrate our consumption at night, and home automation technology, programming the appliances to activate at night , or the blinds and blinds so that they go up or down at a certain time so that they make the most of the hours of sunshine, and in this way optimize the interior temperature and save on heating.

On the other hand, there are many electrical appliances that consume energy while on standby or simply connected. Thanks to the programmable plugs we can turn off certain appliances, such as the water heater so that it stops waged after a certain time when no one is going to take a shower.

If you want to continue learning about Apps and Internet of Things for energy saving, we invite you to read this article . And remember that thanks to the latest advances, as well as European regulations on energy efficiency, we have a real possibility of achieving great energy savings in our home.


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